Friday, May 24, 2013

Module #21

Using the internet, you are to research the effects of El Nino or La Nina on a specific region of the earth. 
  1. Research an El Nino or La Nina event that has occurred somewhere in the world.
  2. Using a specific year, describe how El Nino or La Nina changed the normal weather conditions in the region.
  3. Use actual data to prove your points.
  4. Include human, economic and environmental costs when researching the affects of the weather changes.
  5. What can humans do to prepare themselves for this cyclical event?
  6. How can El Nino or La Nina events be predicted in the future?

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Module #19

1. Choose one of the following cities from the list below (each student must choose a different city), and explain what factors (LOWERN) affect their climate the most. For example, Guelph's climate is mostly influenced by latitude, proximity to the Great Lakes and Winds and Air masses. Guelph's climate is not affected by elevation, relief or ocean currents in any way. Provide explanation for each factor given using specific terms and refer to specific bodies of water and mountain chains if applicable.

London, England                             Sydney, Australia

Paris, France                                     Sao Paulo, Brazil

Vancouver, BC                                 Madrid, Spain

Los Angeles, CA                              Moscow, Russia

New York, NY                                 Nairobi, Kenya

Tokyo, Japan                                     San Jose, Costa Rica

Hong Kong, China                            Berlin, Germany

Cairo, Egypt                                       Halifax, Nova Scotia

Dallas, Texas                                      Alice Springs, Australia

Rome, Italy                                         Miami, Florida

Friday, May 3, 2013

Module #17

1. Take a stance on the Alberta Tar Sands Debate. Are you for the continued development of the Alberta tar sands? or are you against it? Write a series of paragraphs that provide evidence to support your stance on this topic (minimum of 250 words). Include links and references to external websites (ideally university or government sites). Your stance should clear, and you must provide specific examples and facts that back-up your claims. This is major issue within Canada, and we will be discussing further in our final unit of the course as it directly related to Global Climate Change. 

2. Comment on at least two other posts from your peers. Describe why you agree or disagree with their stance. Let the debate begin!
